Feeling Bloo

By Delaney Clifford

           Has the world ever deserved the perfect combination of Sam Smith, James Blake, and Ellie Goulding more than now? Well the time is nigh for the newly acclaimed artist Kacy Hill, who continues to drop jaws as she continues her powerful march onto Spotify playlists and tour after tour. With her release of “Bloo” in 2015, Hill didn’t gain much recognition right off the bat. In fact, most of her notoriety came from a controversial American Apparel advertisement, but what else is new for that brand, really. Apparently, being involved in that kind of controversy, being a backup dancer for the Yeezy tour, and making music that’s seriously ahead of the curve is a perfect storm to get Kanye West, Yeezus himself, to notice you and pick you up as his protégé. But enough about the background, we need to talk about this woman’s music. So, what’s so special about a woman with a pretty voice hopping on a track with a soft electric beat? There are plenty of other artists doing that, right? Wrong. Plenty of female artists are making music today (which is great!), but most of what I’ve been hearing isn’t breaking the mold. Everyone is following the work of the female greats: Beyoncé, Rihanna, etc., and there’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s just not… this.

           I really can’t convey Hill’s work through words, so please do yourself a favor and go listen through her debut EP “Bloo” and feel that rush for yourself. But to give you an idea, just imagine the silky smooth style of Sam Smith combined with the ingenuity and creativity of James Blake, and the delicate, yet powerful voice of Ellie Goulding. Not to be redundant, but that’s exactly what you’re getting out of the three original songs that make up “Bloo,” and I don’t think I’ve ever fallen harder, faster for three songs in my entire life. Featuring the ever-eclectic mix of piano and electronic beat as well as a quick jolt of jazz infused piano, Hill creates a sound that clashes against itself, throwing clever lyricism in with soul-soothing vocals, forcing the listener to actually listen. At a first listen, Hill’s music may just want to make you jump on top of the nearest table and dance your ass off, and it’ll definitely make you want to do that with every listen after, but once you start really hearing the pain in her voice, the raw feeling behind her words and her music, listeners develop a connection with her, not just her music. Isn’t that the real point, anyway? Creating connections is what I take away most from music, and if an artist can make me feel for him/her, then I feel their music as well. Anyway, after that little emotional nirvana, Hill takes you right back into that big, comfy, cushy chair that you just keep sinking into the more you listen. This EP has it all; groove, punch, and shine, and it’s just waiting for you to pick it up.

           For all that can be said for Kacy Hill, she is still relatively unrecognized on a grand scale, a true crime and shame when such talent exists just beneath the surface of the Top 40. She’s doing something innovative and original within her targeted genre and audience, and I believe we’ll be hearing a lot more from her sooner than later. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for Miss Hill.

You can check out Kacy Hill on tour with Jack Garratt here.

You can also follow Kacy Hill on the following media outlets:


