Earth Girls: A Look inside of Wanderlust
Courtesy of Grave Mistake Records
Chicago-based band, Earth Girls, released their debut full length Wanderlust last Friday on Grave Mistake Records. It’s a project that has been multiple years in the making, but still feels fresh and brand new. Hooligan spoke to vocalist and guitarist, Liz Panella, to talk influences and what’s coming next.
Panella and drummer, Joey Kappel, began recording what would become Wanderlust two years ago. At the time Kappel played bass and current drummer, Antonio Holguin had yet to join the band at all. The material was all there but Panella knew something just wasn’t sounding right. Instead of going back to the drawing board completely, Earth Girls did some rearranging of their members and got back to work.
What they ended up with is quick, playful, and summery. Musically it hints, rather than screams, at Panella’s childhood spent listening to her parents music—1960’s pop and Motown hits—blended with her personal inclinations towards 90’s alt rock. One sing-through of “Say Goodnight,” and listeners may very well conjure up mental images of classic crooners stuck on fast forward.
“Influences aren’t really a conscious thing,” she says. “I’m never sitting down and thinking this is what is influences me right now. Let each song develop over the course of a few months—a lot of mental moving parts.”
Earth Girl’s drummer, Kappel is currently living in Japan. Because of this, the band hasn’t been as active as would be expected with a brand new album. Currently, Panella is working on promoting Wanderlust as a solo artist until Kappel’s return in six months. They then plan on embarking on a full-band tour across the US—and potentially internationally. In the meantime, Panella is also working on new material in hopes that they can begin work on another album as soon as possible.
Wanderlust is soft, but it isn't hiding. In fact, it embraces the very roots of bubblegum pop in its fastness. Each song fades into the other, but with meaning and purpose, each with a designated place for the well-crafted garage punk record.
You can find Wanderlust on Earth Girl’s Bandcamp page here.
You can purchase physical copies through Grave Mistake Records.