by Denise Nichole

angels wake me from the slumber / of a drool drenched pillow.
the suction is but a gentle greeting / an unexpected kiss.
a tender alarm / that is the sun’s reach toward / the ripple of a puddle.
parched from summer’s hollow departure.

how I long for the heat / sweat from the brow
beaded together like dew / dripping down.

how I long for the heat / between celestial bodies.
soft brown skin / gentle humming.

i dare not love / or desire flesh
for i may be crushed like black velvet.

bruised leaves and stems askew / petals retreat / not ready to bloom.

Denise Nichole, MFA, is the Publisher of The Hellebore Press & Founder of HUES. She teaches and resides in Sacramento, CA with her partner in crime. She enjoys metal before 10 am, strumming on her bass guitar, and collecting bolo ties. Do not ask to touch her hair but do tweet her @DNicholeAndrews.