Quintessence: to Queer

by Chen Chen

     Yes, I can relate to Britney Spears. I, too, 
have oops done it again. Then become stronger than yesterday. 
     I, too, strive to be finally
fucking free of all my blood family’s walls, whims, & I enjoy, whenever 
     I am awake, letting the world 

     know. O Britney, let us make more whimsy. 
Let us enlarge our ticklish, purplish space in the face of those 
     who would rather our dancingknowing 
shrink. Let us danceknow. Let us discoball & wreckingball, let us 
     cartwheel quantumly, let us critique 
     what I’ve left out, let’s get real. 
I don’t know what it’s like to be forced to get an IUD, to have to 
     testify in court that despite wanting 
another baby, your own father has made sure you can’t. & I don’t know 
     what it’s like to be white & wealthy. 

     Though Britney, all my life I’ve been learning
how to relate to you. Britney, really, would you ever relate to me? 
    & would that, would my shiny relatability 
do anything? Britney, I’m really, in my ways, talking to 
     myself. & to my fellow gaysians 

     who adore you. Who relate 
& don’t relate—to you, to ourselves. To each other. Dear adorable 
     & never just adorable queers, 
let’s gather. Let’s sing to each other in the queerest, snack-filledest 
    karaoke room somehow 

    big enough for all our sweet 
belting, sour belching. We, too, make it hot. Every last one of us 
    is putting the pop & also the star back 
into pop star. Let’s put the ass back into asstonish! 
     Let’s, at the tippy 

     top of our gorgeous lungs, 
hum the rest of the beloved song, the beloved 
     words to which 
we have, at the moment, 
     uh, misplaced.

Chen Chen’s second book, Your Emergency Contact Has Experienced an Emergency, is a best book of 2022 according to the Boston Globe, Electric Lit, NPR, and others. It has also been named a 2023 Notable Book by the American Library Association. His debut, When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities, was long-listed for the National Book Award and won the Thom Gunn Award, among other honors. He has received two Pushcart Prizes and fellowships from Kundiman, the National Endowment for the Arts, and United States Artists. He was the 2018-2022 Poet-in-Residence at Brandeis University and currently teaches for the low-residency MFA programs at New England College and Stonecoast.