Case Study

by Anthony Aguero

Icarus is falling, is falling, is fallen 
& lands into my father’s garage 
with all of its tools & drawings 
& the old television set 
& the broken condom 
& the inflatable bed 
& the marked, plastic chair
& the broken bathroom door 
& the rusting copper 
& the orange lily 
& I’m there, too, in a corner
& he’s speaking to me 
when Icarus & his fake wings
penetrate the garage ceiling 
& now there’s Icarus in the room
& melted parts of him
& he’s still taken prisoner
even after escaping other wrath’s.
My Father is speaking to us, now,
about the punched hole in the wall
& the tools & the rocks 
& his kids — his boys — 
& says Yes, Icarus,
My wings were singed, once, too
& he looks to me. He looks away,
His face falling, falling, fallen.

Anthony Aguero is a queer writer in Los Angeles, CA. His work has appeared, or will appear, in the Carve Magazine, Rhino Poetry, Cathexis Northwest Press, 14 Poems, Redivider Journal, Maudlin House, and others.