Testimony From the Boys

by Anthony Aguero

Cavafy is needy. I lay there for hours

     with him at the beginning 

and at the end — smell the ashes.            

         That’s Rome burning he says. 

I cover the politics of love,

    of romanticism, and clutch his neck

as he asks. There’s hunger 

      and there’s the ravaging: the two

never rest. I sleep on his chest.

       I sleep in the burning buildings.

I hear his footsteps and lie longer.

          Here is the memory and his hands

— kill them both. He needs me.

     Here is the drying journey 

so far from Greece, in America.

         He says You look beautiful 

. I’m losing my mind.

      He’s out for blood. I’m arriving,

There’s the rope, here’s the vine 

       — escape before he stirs awake.

Anthony Aguero is a queer writer in Los Angeles, CA. His work has appeared, or will appear, in the Carve Magazine, Rhino Poetry, Cathexis Northwest Press, 14 Poems, Redivider Journal, Maudlin House, and others.