kinky fruit

by Pau Suárez Gomís

a bruised juicy plum thanks
the throbbing that gave
its purple beating

turns towards the sand & winces
hot grits stick on the raw fruit
ache in the name of instinct

raw pink, something sweet
cinnamon & fig balsamic
 a drenched peach

speckled in loose sparkles 
invites sleepless nights 
to curl around pointed toes

& everything wet 
sticky like the lips
that push & pull

toward hot togetherness
against all odds
again. come again 

these sheets memorize
& mimic our rhythm
the moan spells

more juice, more justice
we don't need a rope
we have your black skinny tie

more freedom, more love
it hurts so good this naked cherry 
drips. flavor finds its way

into my puss agape
you sit in this pool 
of pure pleasure powered

by precious pulsations 
potent & curious  
soft & sore those

thighs oblige me
pulp for more
o, bruised plum

o,  sweaty joy!

Pau Suárez Gomís is a free spirited, multidimensional fairy here to experience Earth for a short while. She is a queer Latina princess who spends her time merging the unseen with the seen. She enjoys the glitter of the sun on her skin, whispered storytelling and being like water. Find her at the nearest tree or dancing joyfully. Instagram: @pausuarezgomis